Test areas for autonomous driving

The test area offers companies and research institutes the opportunity to try out new smart transport and automated mobility solutions. The goal of the Smart City Test Area project is to develop a secure and reliable test network that utilises Nokia’s cloud-based private LTE test network in Hervanta, Tampere. There are not many similar test areas in the world that function as part of a normal urban environment. The project commissioned a survey of internationally operating test areas and the placement of the Hervanta test area within this field. We have put together a few links to the test areas examined in the survey. The differentiation factors of Finnish test areas are the close cooperation between the test areas, winter conditions and Finland’s flexible legislation.

Read more about the Smart City -test area development


The Snowbox test area is located in Finland, about 200 km above the Arctic Circle, bordering Northern Norway and Sweden. The area is covered by snow for about half the year, so the conditions are excellent for testing winter driving.

The Snowbox test area and the Aurora network are results of a partnership between the public and private sectors in Finland, led by Aurora Snowbox Ltd. The platform was originally designed and built by the Finnish Road Administration, private companies and organisations in Finland. Now the aim is to promote technologies for connected automated vehicles and their deployment in all conditions.

Aurora Snowbox Ltd was founded in 2019. It is a private company providing winter and cold testing facilities for connected and automated vehicle technologies. Aurora Snowbox combines public roads, cross-border corridors and independent proving grounds through its partners. These facilities are completed with professional snow-how knowledge, engineering and information services and a digital infrastructure to provide the self-driving industry with weather-proof technological and worldwide scalable solutions.


Read more about the website of Snowbox test area


OuluZone+ is the research and education centre of the University of Oulu, VTT and BusinessOulu. The main activities in the area are the research and development of robot cars, heavy-duty vehicles and information modelling in civil engineering.

In addition to research and development activities, related events are also organised in the area. OuluZone+ is located in Finland, near the city of Oulu.

Read more about the website of OuluZone+ test area

Test Site Stockholm

Test Site Stockholm in Sweden aimed to serve as an arena for new digital services and their development. It was coordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and involved a number of stakeholders, including Ericsson, Telia Sonera, City of Stockholm and vehicle and component manufacturers. The Living Lab was run by Kista Science City, a large ICT cluster. Test Site Stockholm coordinator KTH reported to programme leader Drive Sweden, a strategic innovation programme.

Read more about the website of Drive Sweden

CAM Testbed UK, Zenzic ja Smart Mobility Living Lab London

Zenzic, based in England, is a non-profit cooperation body founded by the state and industry to coordinate and facilitate cooperation between test areas. The test areas operate as separate areas with their own business operations but seek cooperation advantage from other test areas of different types. The Smart Mobility Living Lab in London was built collaboratively with the support of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Innovate UK (CCAV). There are many test areas in the UK, also outside the CAM Testbed UK network. The activities are strongly supported, and the different test areas focus on different tests. Some provide virtual testing, while others provide closed proving ground testing. The latest launches are test areas for open spaces, which usually involve a number of stakeholders.

Read more about the website of Smart Mobility Living Lab London